PO BOX 1654 97075-1654 8687 SW HALL BLVD BEAVERTON, OREGON FAX 503.646.3903
The Controller receives DTMF (Dual Tone Multi Frequency) telephony tones and translates
your commands to various visual and audio monitoring equipment.
The command tones can be initialed to the Controller on site, remotely from short distances,
or a base station. Control occurs thru a DTMF keypad.
The system operator may remotely control the ON and OFF functions of tracking camera deployed,
for purposes of battery conservation, countermeasures defeat, or other specialized operations
where selective control of cameras is needed.
One (1) Video input is provided, allowing control of one (1) LENS and one (1) PAN/TILT.
Two (2) DTMF controlled switched 12VDC outputs are provided for powering external equipment
such as transmitters and recording devices.
Using a typical DTMF keypad the camera LENS adjustments are accomplished by pressing the
appropriate keypad digit; digit 1 (Focus Near), digit 3 (Focus Far), digit 2 (Zoom In),
and digit 5 (Zoom Out). The PAN-N-TILT functions are controlled by digit 7 (Pan Left),
digit 9 (Pan Right), digit 8 (Up), and digit 0 (Down).
The " * " key will toggle the TX POWER port (12VDC) ON and OFF while the
digit 0 key will toggle the AUX POWER port (12VDC) ON and OFF.